Our Team

  • Andy2


    With over 25 years' experience working in the Allied Health, Rehabilitation and Medical Fitness industries, Andrew has combined this clinical knowledge and understanding of these industries to work with companies that share his vision for providing best care and training solutions. Andrew is a fully qualified Soft Tissue Therapist with an Advanced Diploma in Applied Science, Diploma of Pilates and Movement Therapy, Applied Movement Neurology Level 1 and Certificate 4 in Personal Training. He has run a successful practice for 21 years and worked at the AIS from 2001-2004 travelling domestically and internationally with elite sporting teams. He is the director of Ikigai Shift and its affiliated importing and distribution business, Ikigai Imports. He is passionate about working with the brain and the body and how they are influenced by the effects of stress, anxiety, depression, trauma and PTSD, (Post traumatic stress disorder). This passion has led him to establish objective assessment processes to assist in exercise training prescription, nutritional analysis and collaboration with mental health experts. In clinical practice he also works with neurocognitive, sensory and motor dysfunction, visceral function (neurologically and physiologically) and the musculoskeletal system.

  • Jane


    Jane has been working in our studio since September 2016 and holds a Diploma of Pilates and Movement Therapy. As well as running many of our Group Equipment Pilates classes, Jane runs a weekly class for clients with Parkinson’s. This class is specifically designed to use the central aspects of Pilates to improve stability, controlled movement, and fatigue management in our clients with Parkinson’s.

  • Pauline


    Pauline joined our studio in 2016 and has 10 years experience as a yoga instructor. Pauline’s interest in movement and its connection to the mind and body lead her to explore neurofascial science, and eventually to becoming a MELT instructor at Miracle Massage Pilates and Fitness. One of five MELT instructors in Australia, and only 2000 worldwide, Pauline brings rare and valuable training into our studio space. Along with her MELT certification, Pauline is qualified as an International Yoga Teachers Association Instructor. Outside of our studio, Pauline is passionately involved in theatre production, with 25 years experience as a theatre practitioner.

  • Jo


    Jo is our resident baby-expert, with a Bachelor of Nursing and Graduate Diploma and Masters in Midwifery. As well as this, Jo holds a Diploma of Pilates and Movement Therapy and is passionate about supporting women’s health and pre-natal health. On days when babies are in the studio, they can usually be found in Jo’s arms.

  • Jacqui


    Jacqui has been working at the studio in admin and reception since February 2018. Her role has grown over the last year and a half to cover admin management, and finances. Studying a Bachelor of Psychology at ANU, it’s no surprise that Jacqui is deeply interested in the relationship between mental and physical health. Examining the mutual causation between mental health impacting on physical health, and vice versa, Jacqui also holds a Diploma of Pilates and Movement Therapy.

  • Maria


    Maria is the newest member of our team, joining us in mid-2019 as a Pilates Instructor. Maria holds a Diploma of Pilates and Movement Therapy.