Soft Tissue Therapy incorporates deep tissue massage, neural manipulation, visceral manipulation, myofascial release, dry needling and trigger point therapy to manage your pain with a personalised plan.

Andrew Curry is a fully qualified Soft Tissue Therapist with specialisations in Remedial, Sports, and Relaxation Massage. When you book your first massage with Andrew, he will work with you to build a personalised treatment plan for your specific concerns.

Starting with a medical and personal history, our team will undertake an assessment and evaluation to make sure the treatment has a long term positive impact.

Rather than just treating the symptoms, Andrew will work to find the cause of the pain or discomfort and work towards dealing with the underlying issues.

You can book a massage appointment online or by calling our studio. If you would like more information, you can read about the treatments available below or find reviews on our testimonials page.



If you are experiencing pain in your back, neck or shoulders, Remedial Massage is the place to start.

Remedial Massage is a complementary massage therapy which treats damaged, knotted and tense muscles, as well as tendons, ligaments and connective tissue. It is also ideal for headaches and migraines, joint pain and arthritis, and neurological conditions.



Andrew has worked with the Australian Rowing Team on an overseas tour, as well as spending two years at the Australian Institute of Sport.

If you need support in rehab and recovery, to improve your flexibility and performance, or in strength training, make an appointment with Andrew for a massage consultation. A program tailored to your needs will help you reach your peak performance.


Relaxation massage is derived from Swedish Massage and can be for whole body or focused on one area of the body as needed.

Relaxation massage can be especially helpful for improving sleep, reducing headaches, easing pain, decreasing stress, and increasing immune function.


Andrew can provide remedial and relaxation massage throughout the antenatal and postpartum periods. He understands the intricacies of how the body adapts to a growing baby. Massage can facilitate sleep, reduce stress, improve mood and strengthen the lymphatic system. We also have a qualified midwife on staff who can provide support during and after your pregnancy.


For all our massages, we use a premium professional massage wax. MWax is suitable for sensitive skin, and doesn’t leave you feeling oily and greasy when you leave your appointment. The base is canola oil and beeswax, and it is a natural, chemical free product that we have carefully chosen to look after your skin.Want to be sure you’re in safe hands? Meet our team and read about their experience and qualifications before you make a booking.